
Hire your friends & family

  • Choosing who we work with at Manifold
    • James, Stephen - relative strangers tbh
    • Sinclair, Alice - family and friends
    • Ian - almost complete stranger (but shared time online)
    • David - kind of a fan actually
    • Inga - friend of a friend
  • Building out Manifund team
    • Rachel - was helping her with her own careers, then needed something for ACX Grants
    • Saul - recall being very impressed from running minigrants, so figured worth a shot
    • Now: Lily?
  • Manifest extended universe (inviting speakers, etc)
  • 1907 House


  • Don’t do it, because you could ruin the relationship
    • Not sure if this has happened yet.
  • Don’t do it, because you’ll produce less good outcomes for the company
    • Maybe?
  • Note that almost all founding teams are good friends
    • How to get to “gelling” - lots of ownership, close collaboration
  • You often become friends after working together
    • I married my wife after working together at a conference!
  • Examples: PG & Jessica, Patrick & John Collison