
Hunger & drive

  • Famous startup maxim: “stay hungry, stay foolish”
  • Hunger for food
    • In modern society, I often experience hunger as a one-way door — much easier to eat too much
    • Fasting is a big aspect of many religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hindu?)
      • Incorporate into EA?
      • Also a good reminder of what many people experience. One of central miracles Jesus performed was to feed the hungry, many of the good acts that are described, or songs, involve this.
  • Horniness: Hunger for sex
    • Been experiencing much more of this while in London, 1-mo long distance from Rachel
  • Ambition: Hunger for achievement, status, success, wealth, fame
    • Most people in high places have a lot of this?
  • Loneliness: Hunger for companionship
  • Hunger for justice, righteousness, truth, God?
    • Does this make sense to describe as hunger? I don’t walk around thinking “I sure want righteousness right now”, compared to food or sex
      • Maybe it’s more of a responsive desire?
  • Hunger & identity or values
    • Many of my values are expressed in the form of “this is what I want”.
      • Hunger is the gap between what one has and what one wants?
    • Generally, I don’t identify with my hungers, they feel like modifications to me arising out of my body, than myself.
      • But maybe this is wrong, and I should try to average over timeslices of different hungers?
        • Cf Aella on werewolfing
    • Maybe strong identity comes out of being able subsume momentary hungers in favor of long-term hungers
  • Modifying hunger
    • Modafinil, caffeine often have a side effect of making me forget to eat
      • Hm, also, generally being full seems to reduce focus?
    • Curious: Does Ozempic reduce people’s sex drive? Their ability to focus?