Famous startup maxim: “stay hungry, stay foolish”
Hunger for food
In modern society, I often experience hunger as a one-way door — much easier to eat too much
Fasting is a big aspect of many religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hindu?)
Incorporate into EA?
Also a good reminder of what many people experience. One of central miracles Jesus performed was to feed the hungry, many of the good acts that are described, or songs, involve this.
Horniness: Hunger for sex
Been experiencing much more of this while in London, 1-mo long distance from Rachel
Ambition: Hunger for achievement, status, success, wealth, fame
Most people in high places have a lot of this?
Loneliness: Hunger for companionship
Hunger for justice, righteousness, truth, God?
Does this make sense to describe as hunger? I don’t walk around thinking “I sure want righteousness right now”, compared to food or sex
Maybe it’s more of a responsive desire?
Hunger & identity or values
Many of my values are expressed in the form of “this is what I want”.
Hunger is the gap between what one has and what one wants?
Generally, I don’t identify with my hungers, they feel like modifications to me arising out of my body, than myself.
But maybe this is wrong, and I should try to average over timeslices of different hungers?
Cf Aella on werewolfing
Maybe strong identity comes out of being able subsume momentary hungers in favor of long-term hungers
Modifying hunger
Modafinil, caffeine often have a side effect of making me forget to eat
Hm, also, generally being full seems to reduce focus?
Curious: Does Ozempic reduce people’s sex drive? Their ability to focus?