
In Memorandum of The Future Fund

Almost titled “What we owe the Future Fund”, but I’ve already used that joke

  • The team is fking amazing
    • Avital -
    • Leopold
  • Regrantors are extremely good (and a good process)
  • Transparency: Encouraging posts to be shared and published on EA Forum
    • Look at that list of grants
      • +1 for transparency
    • Look at that writeup of learnings
      • Experimenting in the space of grantmaking, and telling the world about the results
  • Speed:
    • Probably the team is bitterly disappointed, but I take another lesson: move fast.
    • Look at what 4-5 people got done in <1year
      • How much money they’ve moved
    • They’re called the “future fund” but they sure got a lot stuff done in the here and now
⛸️Future Fund

EA Bahamas was also fking great

  • Somewhat unrelated btw, predates Future Fund
  • Joel Becker ran an amazing program (in terms of peer selection)
  • More like YC than YC is today
    • “New relationship energy” ⇒ “New incubator energy”
      • Startups in starting things