There are lots of different ways you can make a point; express yourself; share information; mind-meld.
- Written text
- Tweets
- Copy
- Blogs, essays
- Books
- Audio
- 1:1 conversation
- (also: in-person, body language etc)
- Group conversations
- Podcasts
- Public speaking
- Art
- 2D
- Video, filmography
- Tiktok short clips
- Youtube longform
- Movies
- Acting, plays
- Musicals
- Standup
- Music
- Games
- Board games
- Video games
- Sports?
- Software
- Tooling
- Social media
- Apps
- Marketplaces?
- Commerce?
- Organizations?
- Companies
- Communities
- Nations
- Religions
Questions to ponder
- Where should you spend your skill points?
- Which are you currently most fluent in?
- Which ones share similar strengths?
- Which are underproduced vs overproduced? Which broad environments are most competitive for a particular medium?
- Which
- Is there a general factor of communication that you can improve?
- Creation? Many of these involve the idea of making something, rather than consuming something
- Empathy? Communication involves understanding who you are communicating to
- What do you consume the most?
- What does your target audience consumes the most?
- Which messages are most easily expressed with which mediums?
- Which mediums foster truth-seeking & adaptation? Which foster permeance and error-correction?
- Which allow for dialogue? Which are broadcast?