
What is play?

WIP, meditations while thinking about how I want buni to be

  • One of the best things about the Manifold community spirit is the sense of play
    • This was designed into Manifest, to be a place where intellectuals play
    • Also most of my favorite sites (mmm.page, civitai, partiful)
  • Part of Janus’s thoughts on LLMs too: you need to play with them to understand them

Things that facilitate play

  • Liberty, freedom from (some) constraints
    • “Cheap” — easier to play when it doesn’t feel costly
    • “optional” — play is voluntary
  • Sandbox — separation of effects from the “real world” (?)
    • In Secret Hitler you can lie and deceive and everyone agrees this is okay
    • You don’t think about your Manifold mana like cash
    • No real punishments
    • (cuts a bit against “everything is open”)
      • though it doesn’t have to, once openness is the norm
  • Intimacy, trust — play requires a willingness to try things. that people don’t judge/criticize
  • Focus, concentration? Can you play when you’re distracted?
  • Messiness, lack of polish, imperfections
  • Challenge? does play require obstacles?
    • cf Maro on making board games
    • And Maro on “constraints breed creativity”
  • Novelty, exploration
    • Play is often about doing things one hasn’t done before
    • Though, some pieces: when I play a new Magic set, the framework is familiar and I’m exploring the card interactions

Play vs work

  • You want to vs you have to
  • At the highest level, work is in pursuit of money
    • Play is not really in pursuit of something, except maybe fun
  • I often think working on Manifold was a ton of fun…
    • and that’s the way it should be!
  • cf PG on what doesn’t feel like work, and doing what you love
  • Work hard vs play hard
    • Is playing hard an oxymoron?
      • Playing hard is… traditionally, sth like your body can’t take it any more?

Related to play

  • “fun” — kind of the goal. Maybe see “fun sequence”
  • “toys” — objects which facilitate and encourage play
  • “games” — systems set up to help with play
  • “playact” — to pretend to be someone else, to simulate a different role