- Val Town Runtime design: https://blog.val.town/blog/first-four-val-town-runtimes/
- Also Townie: https://blog.val.town/blog/codegen/
- Townie system prompt: https://gist.github.com/simonw/d8cc934ad76b3bba82127937d45dc719 (via blog)
- Also Val Town philosophy of End Programmer Programming
- And linked Maggie Appleton on Folk Interfaces
- Cursor code fast diff application: https://www.cursor.com/blog/instant-apply (a)
- On Fireworks: https://fireworks.ai/blog/cursor#fireworks-ai-promise
- Replit Agent
- Codemirror for web code editor:
- Steve Yegge’s Platforms Rant: https://gist.github.com/chitchcock/1281611
- Also: Tigger Kindel https://blog.kindel.com/2011/08/24/be-either-an-app-or-a-platform-not-both/
- Perf (h/t jvns) https://kerkour.com/sqlite-for-servers
- Litestream https://fly.io/blog/all-in-on-sqlite-litestream/
- SQLite vector https://alexgarcia.xyz/blog/2024/sqlite-vec-hybrid-search/index.html
- CRDTs for code syncing
- Better data sync paradigm than SQL server:
- OpenAI Canvas
- Macaroons for JWT-like representing auth for requests
- https://fly.io/blog/macaroons-escalated-quickly/
- Aside: Thomas Ptacek blog posts are gold
- Sandboxing code
- Investigating val town & deno: https://healeycodes.com/sandboxing-javascript-code
- Val Town on Firecracker https://fly.io/blog/sandboxing-and-workload-isolation/
- Evals
- Claude Artifacts
- websim
- val.town
- replit agent
- Vercel v0 & shadcn