
People Stock v0

  • Trading interface ala Coinbase
  • Create an account:
    • Gifted with eg. fake $10k
      • Problem: Inflation?
      • Or: Gifted with 10k stocks (tied to your Twitter account, ideally)
        • And then you can start selling shares to the pool
    • Feature: change your allocation easily (e.g. dilute yourself 10% to put it all in this new thing you care about)
  • For now: speculate on Twitter profiles
    • Try a Uniswap model:
      • Every time a new Twitter user is added, allocate $10k and 10k shares to the pool
  • Problem: How to accurately value existing portfolio?
    • What the price of selling it all would be?

Maybe the entire thing is: Uniswap simulator for Twitter

  • Twitter is auth layer
  • People joining get tokens & money
    • (money proportional to existing follower count? to log of follower count?)
      • musk: 60M; PG: 1m; Patio11: 100k; Tina: 5k; Barak: 1k; Austin: 10
    • Establishes a starting ratio of how much to value their shares?
    • e.g. 1m followers joining = implied value of $1m/10k = $100 per share
      • Nice property: market cap should reflect predicted follower count
    • Auto-assign half of cash + shares in pool, and other half to creator
      • Same thing happens when you try to buy someone's stock
  • How is market corrected?
    • Rich bots which try to "index" once a day based on follower counts
  • Separating "Exchange" vs "issuer/minter"
    • "Exchange" helps facilitate more efficient trades
    • "Issuer" is where the things to trade comes from


  • Chirp
  • Tweetswap
  • Tweep
  • Twap
  • Tweeple
  • TwitterBet
  • Tweet Market