
Solana dev notes

  • Hm, the random camelcasing of stuff is really annoying
    • Not so familiar with the Rust ecosystem. Something's broken ⇒ how to debug? How to clean?
    • Fking... fixed by removing the dash inside 'buildspace-solana'
      • Interesting. anchor.workspace has a bunch of legacy stuff? like Myepicproject and BuildspaceSolana
      • Q: What is an anchor workspace?

        • Maybe it's the idl generated under target/idl/buildspace_solana.json
      • Note: deleting target means we have to recompile anchor, kinda annoying
  • https://aver.bet/dex/market/9
    • Trying to mint tokensets?
    • Background: Expecting something like PredictIt. Have a sense of 30% chance to win
      • Not sure that e.g. horse race bettors expect the same?
      • Many ways of placing a bet? "Minting a tokenset" vs "Buying in"
        • For buying in — what is "potential return"? I'm worried that the return is actually less
          • With PredictIt, easy to understand $0.33 for a thing that might pay out $1
    • Took 5% of my SOL to mint 400 tokensets, and sell both into the market at 0.55 for YES, 0.49 for NO
      • aka me providing liquidity by locking in some of my USDZ? Assuming it all pays out, I make 400 * (1.04-1) = $16...
      • .02 SOL per sale, seems kinda high
    • Thought I sold my tokensets — where's my money...?
  • Looks like they have an orderbook