

  • Q: What does James's portfolio look like?
    • Robinhood thing for a short bit, but that's it, just feels
    • Very much can't beat the market
    • Thinking about putting some net worth in crypto - high variance
      • Winning horse in the past 5 years
      • Don't know which crypto thing —
      • Technical
      • Still want to make money, have that exposure
  • James's current exposure — the only stocks James has are
    • VTI, SAX, VTSTX, bonds
    • Advice from reading up on with respect to FIRE stuff
    • Goal: get to financial stability asap
  • Q: Why doesn't James trade stocks?
    • A: Too much work; emotionally unlucky with the stock market
    • Small amounts of money, — bought Sketchers, didn't pan out, no interest in sneakers, don't want to do market research
    • Fun hobby, get you into economics, builds financial literacy; but headspace doesn't want to think about it
    • Research to have a decent chance of beating market is pretty decent amount of work
    • EMH
  • First idea: "invest in people" = Buying in upside at a poker tournament
    • Austin: Similar to MTG concept
    • We're all invested, check in to see how they're
    • People always friends joke about buying 1% of the future income
    • Friends in the past; friend really into poker (texas hold em)
    • Wants to join this poker tournament
    • Winnings are very tail end
    • Entry fee: 10%; I'll pay for x% of ticket, and get x% of the winnings
    • Wants to play poker, maybe hedge bets, Beta (sponsored)
  • Building is a lot of work
    • A lot of regulatory and legal work
  • Lens: Fantasy gambling
    • Pitch: Fantasy football without the football
  • End: If James or anyone he knows would be interested?
    • James' friends: trying to do his own startup
      • They're doing more enterprise stuff:
        • Biz ops, customer ops, ask for time, talk through problems, what's a day like in a role like you
        • Biz ops: have to do these spreadsheet things
        • Scrape data from here
        • Using that for idea generation