When I see a block for F/J, can't figure out left or right. Maybe visually space
Goes too fast
Never used the semicolon key
Austin: "I don't know where your notes went"
Wasn't clear that there was a creative component
Typically you're just expected to play along, so a tutorial for the creation
(Second part of the tutorial is playing what's given to you)
Should be enough to get people to get started
Ableton live -- What's super helpful is a minimap view on the side
(Distracting for DDR)
Web-based DAWs. Audio -- browser isn't powerful enough to mux in real time.
Tuning something in the browser -- may not have enough computational power
Look at it from the DJ angle
Producers go hard to do the sound design, push them around, make things from scratch. The modern musician is a producer. They make new instrument in software
DJ take samples from a producer, push buttons to play samples, keypad that samples from tracks, they won't compose a new melody on the spot
- how to do music production
Famous DJs vs famous producers are very small overlap. DJs mix to get you to the right place. DJs work real-time. Anything that takes more work
Ableton live can mux (multiplex) multiple tracks. Layer tracks in real time, Muxing is to combine to a single channel. Muxing is nontrivial because signals modulate other signals -- audio signal's gain is dependent on another
a1, a2, a3; b1, b2, b3
Muxing: Quickly compute a * f(b3) before it plays
a3 * f(b3) Happens in real time
Don't worry about muxing things
Expensive workstations to do audio stuff (computers weren't powerful enough to accomplish this in real time); analog effects
Now: Can perform digital modulation in real time
can just have a simple button pad
Why not a keyboard?
Button pad vs piano keyboard -- concert pianist only has mental capacity for a keyboard. Can't operate a kick drum. Few pianists can improve. Playing a keyboard in front of an audience is very hard
4 x 4 keyboard -- some people have replaced
4 x 4 on a phone. Old phone with actual buttons -- pretty standard
8 x 1 is intimidating. Count things just by looking at it - Subitizing
Eric played on a pad and a piano keyboard
Tried playing a few melodies for a couple hours
Started with kick and bass, then added melody
Pick existing samples and play samples together
Made in ableton
Requires a lot more work, had to do sound design, echos, not possible with just a dj pad
More subtle, more creative freedom. All sounds were designed from scratch
"Designing a sound" - pure sine wave, add things to it, change its spectrogram. Gives you modified notes, with different timber
Can compose notes, add additional effects
Lots of preset instruments, Manual waveform design process. Someone started with a sine wave, made it look like a guitar; then you can modify it
Can also use as an audacity linear editor. Record real instruments, pipe it in, sample those. Different -- recording (plays an instrument) vs writing a program that generative. Just a bunch of data.
Generative: Start with pure waveform, add software effects to produce the thing you want; parametricized
Highest paid musicians do sound design as opposed to yoyoma
Hans Zimmer -- uses this software to mix things together
Find energy to start game projects β actual stay at Google longer!
ethereum mining rig -- more time on side projects, the less I want to leave
tradeoffs between imitation and reinforcement learning
Balaji Srinivasan -- future of work might be - everyone is a mini-investor, only a few own the source of production. Investor predicts where the good ideas are
Writing a book on AI stuff - 40k words; general audience book on AI, and how we can achieve AGI. Where we are, where the challenges are.
Technical: What are we going to do next. TODO for Eric
Sociological: written
Forcing yourself to write it down is great way of learning-- second to the heat of battle