Simulate a bunch of folks (myself, friends, acquaintances, writers like Scott Alexander), and be able to talk with them. Then let them talk to each other.
Aka: Simulation capture; LLM echo chamber;
- Unlock the inherent bottleneck in individual humans only having 24h a day (like Amarallys clones from Worth the Candle)
- Reduce communication costs. E.g. Before drafting a message to Scott, can talk with his clone first
- Formalize the nature of internet text communications/Manifest invite pathway where you get to know your idols via what they write
- Help myself remember folks, stay in touch, outsource relationships to a network
- Collect data
- Ideally: Point a website/blog/corpus/Twitter/LW into the thing and it pulls out a bunch of text examples
- Or: Starting point of personal notes? (like, my Notion?)
- Turn into LLM: finetuned model (or a giant prompt to start)
- Let people chat with them, Character.AI style
- Let them intermingle
- Essential nature of a person is more than just what they write?
- Relationships to others
- Interests, tastes, what they read
- Where will an LLM fall short? How to augment/fix that?
- Initiative
- Long term planning
- Or: How to lean into strengths of LLM (eg always available)
- Difference contexts between private notetaking, public comments, DMs
Personal, LLM-augmented sites
- Gwern’s website
- Simon Willison’s Weblog
- Really like the mix of short quotes, long summaries
- Character.ai
Freely mixing
- Act I: Act I: Exploring emergent behavior from multi-AI, multi-human interaction
- …? Should be more of this
- Worth the Candle: Nachless (formed from writings)
- “The Jesus that you simulate in your head is real”, from Emmett Shear
Other notes