A space of our own, in SF [minifest]
Small business ideas for serving the gray tribe
Barriers to entry might be good
Can orgs be moral patients?
Where does the best writing happen?
Future SOTA model weights may be open
Questions about conferences
Why I’m donating to Lightcone
Being alone vs with others
Firsts of 2023, Firsts of 2024
Response to Erik Hoel on LK-99
Funding in EA: Grants, Loans, Equity
Things I’ve tried for a month
How EA funders can help grantees more
Christian songs I find inspirational
Dating Austin (of June 2022)
Dating Compatibility Questions
Forecasting Workshop (EAG DC 2022)
Learn technical things when you're young
EA Software Project Ideas
Outstanding issues with impact certs
Why 501c3 grants might be bad
Why impact certs might be really good
Reflections on Manifold, 7 months in
You don’t need to be on web3 to be decentralized
Product < People < Process
What EA can learn from startups
Your team should move from Google Docs to Notion
Should you be flamboyantly good?
Brag about what you did, not what you’re going to do
Institutional intelligence beats individual intelligence
Prediction Markets & Addictiveness
Attention is money, money is attention
Effective Altruism & Catholicism
Biggest questions with Manifold
Proposal: A Common App for EA Funding
8 Tips for building your online party game